
Recent Events

Date: June 25, 2024 at 10 AM Pacific
“AI in Special Education: Paradigms, Programs, and Possibilities”
Panelist: Ayan Kishore, CEO Benetech

2024 PaTTAN Literacy Symposium
Date: June 11, 2024 at 12:15 PM Eastern
Virtual presentation: “Tear Down Reading Barriers with Bookshare”
Presenter: Lara Rondberg

Date: Wednesday, May 22-23, 2024 at 2 PM Eastern
Keynote: Ayan Kishore Benetech, CEO

Read a brief recap and watch the video replays of recent webinars hosted by Benetech, featuring community and education leaders:

Education Equity: Inspiring Voices From Albuquerque

Education Equity: Inspiring Voices from Detroit

Benetech Training Resources:
Visit Benetech’s Training Resource hub for educators, for courses about creating equitable and accessible classrooms and schools. Credits for Professional Development hours are available on completion of all modules for each course.