The Philippines

Our impact in the Philippines

Challenges and inequalities

The Philippines grapples with ensuring equitable access to education for its citizens with print disabilities. Several factors contribute to this challenge:

Scarcity of accessible materials

Digital divide

Limited awareness

Benetech’s strategic interventions

Benetech is championing accessible technology, actively working to bridge this gap and empower individuals with print disabilities in the Philippines. 

Establishment of reading corners

In collaboration with local library authorities, Benetech has established strategically located “Reading Corners.” These dedicated spaces provide individuals with print disabilities, their educators, and families with the opportunity to experience the transformative power of digital inclusion. Equipped with accessible technology and a curated selection of accessible educational resources, these Reading Corners foster a sense of community, promote independent learning, and serve as a model for wider implementation.

Collaborative partnerships

Recognizing the importance of collective action, Benetech fosters partnerships with key stakeholders. By working with organizations like the Philippine Union for the Blind and Resources for the Blind International, Benetech leverages it’s expertise and established networks to expand its reach and amplify its impact in promoting inclusive education for all. 

Advocacy for Born-Accessible publishing

Benetech advocates for a paradigm shift in publishing practices, promoting the concept of “born-accessible” ebooks. This approach encourages publishers to create ebooks with built-in accessibility features from the outset, significantly increasing the availability of educational materials in accessible formats.

Additionally, Benetech works with publishers to encourage the donation of their existing content to Bookshare, the world’s largest online library of accessible ebooks and audiobooks. This vast repository provides individuals with print disabilities in the Philippines and worldwide with a wealth of educational and recreational resources. 

Benetech’s digital literacy initiatives in the Philippines

Bookshare reading corners

As part of Benetech’s Bookshare Reading Corners initiative, the organization focuses on providing accessible reading material for blind and low-vision Filipinos through Bookshare. Bookshare is a global library of accessible ebooks designed for people with reading barriers.

Through this program, Benetech collaborates with local partners, authors, and publishers to expand the availability of digital content in the Philippines. By making educational materials accessible, they empower learners with disabilities to access quality reading materials.

Local language interfaces and partnerships

Benetech enhances access to information and technology by expanding its Bookshare national partnerships and local language interfaces in the Philippines.

The organization collaborates with local publishers, education departments, and volunteers to add educational and culturally-relevant titles to Bookshare. This ensures that students have access to relevant books in their native languages.

Advocacy efforts

Benetech actively advocates for digital literacy and inclusive education in the Philippines.

They organize training sessions and support programs for educators, parents, and other stakeholders to promote literacy and provide access to education.

By creating a network of organizations and individuals committed to improving literacy, Benetech contributes to breaking down education barriers in the country.

In summary, Benetech’s initiatives in the Philippines focus on digital literacy, accessible content, and advocacy, ultimately working toward equitable education for all.

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