
Benetech’s Framework for Developing New Social Enterprises

This blog originally appeared on CSRwire in their series on Creating Good Work and was reposted on Jim Fruchterman’s Beneblog.   I was delighted when Ron Schultz invited me to collaborate with him on his latest book Creating Good Work – The World’s Leading Social Entrepreneurs Show How to Build a Healthy Economy. What I liked most was the […]

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Big Meeting on the Treaty this Week!

 This week in Geneva is a major meeting on the path to the expected Diplomatic Conference on the Treaty for the Visually Impaired. The goal of the Treaty is to make a copyright exception for the blind and other people with disabilities that stop them from reading print, and to make import and export of […]

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Benetech Spins Off Human Rights Data Analysis Group

This post originally appeared on Jim Fruchterman’s Beneblog. Benetech is celebrating a major milestone: On February 1, the Human Rights Data Analysis Group (HRDAG)—which focuses on the statistical and analytical side of Benetech’s human rights work—spun out from being a project within our organization to become its own, independent group. Dr. Patrick Ball, who has led […]

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Benetech Ranked #4 of 11 Greatest Tech Charities

In its recent list of the 11 Greatest Tech Charities, SiliconIndia News ranked Benetech as #4! The post describes Benetech and some of its major initiatives, including Bookshare, Route 66 Literacy, Martus and Miradi. Thanks, SiliconIndia News!

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Betsy Beaumon on Benetech’s Literacy Program: The Year That Was and the New Year Ahead

2012 was a year of titanic shifts in the fields of consumer technology, education, and publishing, along with the requisite challenges brought about by such rapid change. At Benetech, where innovation is the engine behind our mission, we did our best to make the most of it and help lead the charge into the future. […]

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