
A Call for Millions: Ending the Global Book Famine for the Blind

There’s a global book famine afflicting people with disabilities. They lack the books they need for education, employment, and social inclusion. Billions have been spent addressing the problem over the past decade. I have good news: For $5 million a year, we can build a global library that provides tens of millions of people around […]

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You Can Help Us Strengthen the Social Safety Net

Tech entrepreneurs can change the world through their philanthropy. They will achieve the greatest bang for their philanthropic buck by prioritizing the better use of community-driven software and data. That was my message in a recent interview, which you can read on the Benetech blog series, The Impact. Today, I’m writing to provide the first […]

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Tech Entrepreneurs Can Change the World through Philanthropy

Today we welcome Jim Fruchterman, founder and CEO of Benetech. Jim is a seasoned entrepreneur, having successfully launched multiple for-profit and social enterprises. He’s also a MacArthur Fellow, a recipient of the Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship, and a Distinguished Alumnus of Caltech. As a prominent software for social good leader, we turned to Jim […]

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Your New Destination for Software for Social Good 

Front and Center: Our Work, Our Impact, Our Innovation Earlier this year the Benetech marketing team sat down with a diverse group of our colleagues and asked a simple question, “why are you proud to work at Benetech?” The responses were varied, but all revolved around three core themes: our impact, our innovation, and our areas […]

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Hacking for Social Good: What are You Hacking on?

The hackathon model might be great for the startup scene, but it’s not well adapted for the social impact space. One reason is that hackathons work best when engineers are given the opportunity to prototype new ideas, but the majority of nonprofits aren’t looking for prototypes of new ideas. They often have very clear use […]

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