
Tribute to Robin Seaman

Our whole Benetech family is saddened by the sudden passing of our friend and colleague, Robin Seaman, on Monday, January 7. Robin was a shining example of both commitment to making the world a better place and a warmth and humor that made her beloved by all who knew her. Robin was a pioneer in […]

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Empowering Access to Social Services through Data Sharing: Benetech Service Net

As inequality deepens in Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area — in Benetech’s backyard — the crises facing our neighbors in need continue to mount. This is happening despite the efforts of governments, philanthropies, nonprofits, and social good work by technology companies in the region. Hundreds of organizations provide thousands of health, human, […]

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Employment, Disabilities, and the Role of Technology

Expanding employment success for people with disabilities People with disabilities need and deserve better employment opportunities. The business case makes it clear that inclusive hiring makes financial sense, as well as being the right thing to do. Benetech has just released a major new report, Expanding Employment Success for People with Disabilities, discussing the barriers […]

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Envisioning a More Inclusive Future

I am incredibly excited to be leading the next phase of impact at Benetech as we pursue our vision for the future. It’s a future that prizes diversity and equality, where all people have access to critical information for achieving their own aspirations, and for empowering others through well-connected communities of all kinds. I am […]

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Success! The United States Ratifies the Marrakesh Treaty

Today is a monumental day for millions of people around the world with reading barriers due to blindness, low vision, dyslexia, or a physical disability. With the full support of Congress and approval by President Trump, the United States joins the 70 other countries that have ratified the Marrakesh Treaty, formally known as the Marrakesh […]

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