
Advancing Literacy Outcomes for Children with Disabilities in India: International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Benetech is proud to join the international community and our partners in observance of International Day of Persons with Disabilities to promote awareness and mobilize support for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in society and development. This year’s theme, “Inclusion Matters,” focuses on access and empowerment for people with disabilities. As a nonprofit whose […]

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Why Your Country Should Ratify the Marrakesh Treaty

Access to information and knowledge is a basic human right and a necessary first step towards personal, economic, and social development. Yet around the world, over 100 million individuals are denied this basic right. They include people who are blind, visually impaired, have dyslexia, or have a physical disability that prevents them from reading regular […]

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Benetech and Yahoo for Good Discuss Technology’s Role in the Refugee Crisis

From registration with biometric verification to mobile communications and to smart device medicine delivery, the Syrian aid effort exemplifies technology’s potential to transform the humanitarian process. Creating technology solutions that benefit refugees was also the topic of a recent “Hack Lunch” at Yahoo, in which I had the opportunity to represent Benetech and speak to a group of engineers and technologists about social impact technology.

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Data for Good, Water for Life: On the Community Water Management Day in Latin America and Benetech Labs’ Clean Water App

Imagine living without being connected to water mains and sewer lines. In Latin America, where access to water and sanitation services is highly unequal, approximately 70 million people experience this reality every day.

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CEO’s Update: Summer/Fall 2015

This is a thrilling time to be in the technology-for-good business. The speed at which consumer and mobile technologies are evolving opens up so many opportunities to make greater social impact that touches more people faster. Our team has been thinking hard about Benetech’s next phase of growth and how we can best seize the tremendous opportunities available to us today to build a better tomorrow for all. My special passion recently has been thinking about using data for greater impact: watch for thought pieces from me on this topic in the coming months. I am delighted to share some of our latest news and exciting developments in our core programs.

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