
Making STEM Education Inclusive to All

As technological innovation continues to affect virtually every field and industry, the demand for workers with expertise in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) keeps increasing. With higher than average wages and lower than average unemployment rates, STEM careers are highly desirable for today’s graduates. The U.S. Department of Labor estimates 1.1 million computing-related job […]

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Mending Holes in the Social Safety Net

There are 1.3 million people in the Bay Area who are too poor to meet their basic needs. Many of these people rely on social services just to get by. For many of these individuals, social safety net programs are a critical lifeline that makes the difference between having a place to sleep, food to […]

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Benetech Expands Software for Social Good Initiatives in 2017

As 2017 draws to a close, it’s time to look back and celebrate key accomplishments as we look ahead to 2018 with anticipation and excitement. We are proud of our ability to tackle hard problems and deliver positive and lasting social good in the areas of poverty, education, and human rights. Here are some of […]

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Let’s Talk About Sex Education – Wait, Hold On, That’s Uncomfortable

Sex education is a staple in schools across the country, with many schools providing some form of sex or health education for students as young as kindergarten. While the curriculum varies among states and schools, teachers typically use photos and videos to demonstrate human anatomy. While such demonstrations may work for sighted students, those with […]

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On the Table: Challenges and Solutions for Bay Area Housing Crisis

Benetech supports Silicon Valley Community Foundation’s initiative To those of us who live and work in the Bay Area, the stories are familiar: college graduates who move back home because they can’t afford an apartment; empty nesters who rent rooms to earn extra income. According to a 2017 poll by the Bay Area Council, respondents […]

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