
Volunteering for Social Change

Did you know that April is National Volunteer Month? We’d like to take this opportunity to recognize and thank Benetech’s fantastic community of dedicated volunteers who amplify the positive impact we make in the lives of our beneficiaries. In this post, we’ll highlight the wonderful contributions of our student volunteers from Brigham Young University, who regularly meet to describe Bookshare textbook images, as well as the impact created through our SocialCoding4Good initiative that operates at the hub of technology-for-good volunteer engagement.

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Digital Equity and Individual Rights in the Age of Big Data: Highlights from the Skoll World Forum

How can we maximize the positive aspects of the data revolution for social change while managing its potential downsides? This was the main theme of the panel, Digital Equity and Rights in the Age of Big Data at this year’s annual Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship. Benetech CEO, Jim Fruchterman, joined Skoll Global Threats Fund’s Larry Brilliant, the Economist’s Kenneth Cukier, UN Global Pulse’s Miguel Luengo-Oroz, and moderator Emily Kasriel of BBC Global News’ and Oxford’s Said Business School for a dynamic discussion yesterday.

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Reuters Article on Jim Fruchterman’s Big Data Panel at Skoll World Forum

Reporting from Oxford, England, where the Skoll World Forum is underway, a Reuters article quotes CEO Jim Fruchterman’s discussion during a Forum’s session that focused on the promise and peril of big data. “As non-governmental organizations and social enterprises gather data on the communities and people they help,” she cites Jim, “they need to be keenly aware that ‘we should treat other people’s data the way we want our data treated.”

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Serendipity at TED2014, Jim Fruchterman’s Huffington Post Op-Ed

What could we do with a billion dollars invested in a global campaign aimed at helping the world’s poorest communities? CEO Jim Fruchterman returned from this year’s TED conference with exciting ideas in response to this challenge. On Huffington Post, he explains what sparked his thoughts on this topic.

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Choosing the Legal Structure for a Social Enterprise, Jim Fruchterman Offers Guidance in New CSRwire Op-Ed

Aspiring social entrepreneurs often grapple with the question of what type of legal structure they should create—a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid. This is one of the topics that CEO Jim Fruchterman will be discussing at the upcoming Social Enterprise Alliance Summit 14. In his newly authored CSRwire op-ed ahead of the Summit, Jim offers guidance to social entrepreneurs through the issues they need to consider before they determine the legal form of their new venture.

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