
Benetech Surpasses One Million Books Under Management!

I’m excited to announce that Benetech’s Bookshare initiative has recently crossed over 1 MILLION accessible ebooks under management, and we continue to grow. In addition to Bookshare’s huge collection of over 700,000 titles, Benetech manages hundreds of thousands of books for our partners around the world.

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The Marrakesh Treaty in Action: What You Need to Know

On May 8, 2019, the United States joins the list of 82 member nations that have fully ratified the long-awaited Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled. If you are wondering exactly what that means, you are not alone. This document outlines the […]

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Empowering People with Visual Impairments in Every Corner of the Philippines

Benetech’s Bookshare ebook library is opening new doors to learning for people with disabilities around the world.

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Brad Turner Talks Accessibility in Education on EduTalk Radio

Students with reading barriers get equal opportunities through resources like Bookshare On April 11, EduTalk Radio host Larry Jacobs and VP and GM of Global Education and Literacy, Brad Turner, discussed ways that all students can have equal access to education through resources like Bookshare. Reading barriers cross all segments of society. People who can’t […]

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Benetech Names Macmillan Learning Industry’s First Global Certified Accessible Publisher

We are proud to announce that Macmillan Learning is the first publisher to complete our accreditation process to be named Global Certified Accessible. This means that all Macmillan Learning ebooks created using the accredited publishing workflow are accessible for people with reading barriers such as dyslexia or low vision. This is a huge milestone as […]

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