
Documenting the Backlash: LGBTI Rights in Haiti

I recently returned from a weeklong training in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, where I worked with our partner, Housing Works, to set up a nation-wide human rights documentation project using Martus, Benetech’s secure, open source documentation tool. The new initiative follows on the heels of a spate of homophobic violence experienced by the Haitian LGBTI community earlier this year. By the end of our training week, we graduated 20 new Martus Human Rights monitors representing 10 organizations working across the country with the goal of ensuring that no human rights violation motivated by homophobia, misogyny or stigma based on HIV status goes undocumented.

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The Case for Copyright Exceptions and Fair Use

At their best, IP laws encourage technological advances, reward creativity, and benefit society. Practical and creative innovators need space to operate and ensure those benefits reach the people who desperately need new solutions but are often least able to afford them. To make this possible, we must ensure balance in copyright laws and defend fair use as a laboratory for creativity. With the leverage of technology and the foundation provided by well thought out IP laws, we can inspire both economic growth and social good.

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Inside Silicon Valley’s Interview with Jim Fruchterman

Inside Silicon Valley, a weekly public affairs program on radio station 1590 KLIV in San Jose, CA, featured our CEO, Jim Fruchterman, in a conversation about his journey as a social entrepreneur and Benetech.

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On Success and Learning to Fail Well

Are you focused on planning for success? Good. But are you also planning for failure? You should, because it’s how we fail that sets us up for success, argues David Pablo Cohn. We recently had the pleasure of hosting Pablo at Benetech’s offices, where he shared with us some rules of thumb he’d picked up along the way for failing as well as possible. This was an opportune lesson for the Benetech team, as we recently launched Benetech Labs. In the spirit of new beginnings and New Year’s resolutions, we’d like to share here Pablo’s four rules for (good) failure as a way of life.

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A RAT in the Registry: The Case for Martus on Tails

Human rights groups face increasingly sophisticated attackers with the ability to exploit their growing digital surface. When a group documenting human rights abuses against the Tibetan community came to us last year with interest in Martus, they brought with them a deep mistrust of their own hard drives. Together we decided to use an implementation method that emphasized security at all stages and selected Tails to be the default environment for their use of Martus. The Martus-on-Tails model is an exciting new venture into human rights defenders’ protection. We look forward to exploring other models and developing this one into a more mature standard.

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