
Two Perspectives on Disability Employment Awareness Month

As disability employment awareness month comes to a close, two members of the Benetech team share their perspective on the things that have helped them thrive in the workplace with a disability, and a vision for a world without barriers to employment.

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Why I B.I.K.E

Advisory Council member, Dr. Shawn Anthony Robinson, PhD shares a reflection on his annual dyslexia awareness month ride, and the importance of reading.

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Improving Library Services to People with Disabilities and Reading Barriers

Benetech is teaming up with Ferguson Library to uncover best practices to improve library services for people with reading barriers.

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Making Higher Education Materials Accessible

Read about Benetech’s collaboration with universities from across the United States to make educational materials accessible.

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Benetech Founder, Jim Fruchterman, Launches Tech Matters

Today, Benetech founder and social entrepreneur, Jim Fruchterman, announced the launch of Tech Matters, a new technology nonprofit that supports innovators addressing some of the most pressing social sector needs, leveraging technology to enable systems change.

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