
Employment, Disabilities, and the Role of Technology

Expanding employment success for people with disabilities People with disabilities need and deserve better employment opportunities. The business case makes it clear that inclusive hiring makes financial sense, as well as being the right thing to do. Benetech has just released a major new report, Expanding Employment Success for People with Disabilities, discussing the barriers […]

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Voyage to Crypto Valley

I had a rare opportunity to visit one of the epicenters of the blockchain revolution. TechCrunch hosted a conference that drew many of the top leaders in the field from around the world. The events was held in Zug, Switzerland, which happens to be the headquarters for the Ethereum Foundation. Like any new tech-driven industry, […]

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10X People with Disabilities Hired!

Benetech loves working with communities that are getting behind a Big Hairy Audacious Goal [BHAG in management-speak]. When there is critical mass behind an audacious goal, our job at Benetech is to figure out how the software and data savvy of Silicon Valley can support that movement. Our latest project is working with the Workplace […]

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Inspiration at the Skoll World Forum

I recently returned from my 14th Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship in Oxford, England. You might wonder, why on earth would someone go to a conference 14 years in a row? I go because it is the best place in the world for meaningful discussions about making the world a better place. There are […]

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Time to Ratify the Marrakesh Treaty and End the Global Book Famine

We stand on the threshold of ending the global book famine for people who read differently due to blindness, low vision, dyslexia, or a physical disability that interferes with reading. A bill to ratify and implement the Marrakesh Treaty was just introduced in the United States Senate by the chairs and ranking members of the […]

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