CEO’s Update: Summer/Fall 2015

This is a thrilling time to be in the technology-for-good business. The speed at which consumer and mobile technologies are evolving opens up so many opportunities to make greater social impact that touches more people faster. Our team has been thinking hard about Benetech’s next phase of growth and how we can best seize the tremendous opportunities available to us today to build a better tomorrow for all. My special passion recently has been thinking about using data for greater impact: watch for thought pieces from me on this topic in the coming months. I am delighted to share some of our latest news and exciting developments in our core programs.

Beyond the Dys in Dyslexia

In recognition of Dyslexia Awareness month in October, we are reposting a blog by McKenzie Erickson, Marketing Coordinator at Benetech, which originally appeared in the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Blog (U.S. Department of Special Education) on October 5. Dyslexia. It’s a word I’ve heard since the third grade. It was the explanation […]

Are You Passionate about Technology and Social Good? Benetech Needs You!

We are seeking visionary leaders to join Benetech in applying technology to advance the rights of disadvantaged people around the world. Technology is playing an ever larger role in increasing respect for human rights and delivering better services, and we have two rare opportunities to lead world-class tech-for-good programs. Benetech is hiring new Vice Presidents for our Global Literacy and Human Rights programs.

Jim Fruchterman and Betsy Beaumon on the SOCAP14 Main Stage

How can a social enterprise engage effectively in founder succession planning, and what are some of the benefits that may occur when a founder is able to share the ownership, control, and culture of the business with a successor, or even a wider group of social leaders? This was one theme of a plenary session at this year’s annual Social Capital Markets Conference (SOCAP14) in San Francisco. Benetech CEO, Jim Fruchterman, and VP of the Benetech Global Literacy Program, Betsy Beaumon, joined moderator Penelope Douglas, SOCAP Board Chair, for a dynamic conversation titled “Make Yourself Invaluable, Not Irreplaceable.”

Q & A: Benetech’s Anh Bui on Global Literacy Product Strategy and Innovation

For this installment of our Q & A with Staff series, we sat down with Anh Bui, Director of Product Strategy for the Benetech Global Literacy Program, and Director of the DIAGRAM Center. Q: You’re wearing two hats at Benetech—could you explain to our readers what your job on both Global Literacy product strategy and […]