Q & A: Global Literacy @ Benetech – Part 1

  For the first installment of our Q & A series, we sat down with Betsy Beaumon, Vice President and General Manager of Benetech’s Global Literacy Program. In Part 1, Betsy discusses our Global Literacy Program’s mission, the Bookshare initiative and she shares a story from a Bookshare user. Q: How would you describe Benetech’s […]

Palo Alto Online’s “First Person” Interview with Jim Fruchterman

Our neighbors at Palo Alto Online have featured our CEO, Jim Fruchterman, in their “First Person” video series. The series includes one-on-one interviews with locals who are making a difference in the community. In the conversation, Jim describes the journey that led him from studying engineering at Cal Tech to the founding of Benetech. He also talks about how while most companies focus on developing technology that will generate big profits, Benetech, as a nonprofit, focuses on developing technology for social good.

Coverage of Landmark “Treaty for the Blind” Notes Benetech’s Role

The role that Benetech, and our CEO Jim Fruchterman, have played in the adoption of the historic “Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled,” has been been noted in some recent media coverage and through other media channels.

Wired Magazine Quotes Benetech in Coverage of “Treaty for the Blind”

Wired Magazine has quoted our CEO, Jim Fruchterman, in an about the negotiations for an international treaty to make books more accessible to people who are blind or have other print disabilities. Entitled “Obama Stops Championing Treaty That Gives the Blind Better Access to E-Books,” the article, written by David Kravets, outlines how lobbying by Hollywood and dozens of the world’s largest corporations may subvert the treaty, which has been years in the making.

U.S. Official Blogs about Bookshare Demo

Michael Yudin, Acting Assistant Secretary for the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) at the U.S. Department of Education, published a blog post entitled “Technology Gives Students with Disabilities Access to College Courses” about his recent visit to Mission Middle College in Santa Clara, California. During the visit, Mr. Yudin met with a group of Bookshare student members and observed a demonstration of how people use Bookshare.