88 results for "india"

Benetech Receives Support from Lavelle Fund for the Blind to Bridge Education to Employment Gap in India

By Julianna Wright, posted on

Digital literacy program empowers blind and visually impaired students to learn, work, and lead independent lives PALO ALTO, Calif. — October 14th, 2021 — Benetech, the leading software for social good nonprofit, today announced the launch of a digital literacy pilot in India to address the employment gap for people with visual impairments. The program, […]

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The Road to Digital Learning and Employment in India

By Laura Deck, posted on

There are 62 million people with visual impairments in India who are deprived of a solid education and job training because of the lack of accessible learning materials. In fact, less than one percent of printed materials in the developing world are in accessible formats suitable for use by blind and low vision individuals. This […]

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