White Cane Awareness Walk 2013: National Disability Employment Awareness Month—Part 3

In this third installment of our blog series marking National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we’d like to share highlights from the Palo Alto White Cane Awareness Walk, in which we participated last Wednesday, October 16th. This annual event is held each October on or in proximity to White Cane Safety Day, a national observance celebrating the ability of people with impaired vision to lead independent lives. Last week, for the fourth consecutive year, Benetech and Bookshare proudly supported the White Cane Awareness Walk tradition in Palo Alto and we were delighted to join this celebration in partnership with the Palo Alto Lions Club, Vista Center and the Western Blind Rehabilitation Center (WBRC), the event’s host.

Palo Alto Online’s “First Person” Interview with Jim Fruchterman

Our neighbors at Palo Alto Online have featured our CEO, Jim Fruchterman, in their “First Person” video series. The series includes one-on-one interviews with locals who are making a difference in the community. In the conversation, Jim describes the journey that led him from studying engineering at Cal Tech to the founding of Benetech. He also talks about how while most companies focus on developing technology that will generate big profits, Benetech, as a nonprofit, focuses on developing technology for social good.