Palo Alto Online’s “First Person” Interview with Jim Fruchterman

Our neighbors at Palo Alto Online have featured our CEO, Jim Fruchterman, in their “First Person” video series. The series includes one-on-one interviews with locals who are making a difference in the community. In the conversation, Jim describes the journey that led him from studying engineering at Cal Tech to the founding of Benetech. He also talks about how while most companies focus on developing technology that will generate big profits, Benetech, as a nonprofit, focuses on developing technology for social good.

When Flexibility Becomes an Operating Principle: Lessons from a Nonprofit

SocialCoding4Good began with the idea of building a sort of for tech volunteerism — an algorithmic platform that would match individual software developers to nonprofit organizations that were building open source software for socially good causes. Everything would be automated, everyone would get what they needed and our idea would help change the world! At the time of inception, venturing into the world of corporate social responsibility was not even on our roadmap. The problem: our idea wouldn’t address the real challenge…

Benetech Ranked #4 of 11 Greatest Tech Charities

In its recent list of the 11 Greatest Tech Charities, SiliconIndia News ranked Benetech as #4! The post describes Benetech and some of its major initiatives, including Bookshare, Route 66 Literacy, Martus and Miradi. Thanks, SiliconIndia News!