CEO Jim Fruchterman Discusses Data-for-Good and Human Rights on WBEZ Chicago’s Worldview

Collection and archival of sensitive information are core to humanitarian and social justice practices, but all too often security and privacy protections are neglected in such efforts. Benetech CEO Jim Fruchterman sat down with WBEZ Chicago’s Worldview guest host Alexandra Salomon for a conversation about the power of open source technology in strengthening privacy and human rights, and about Benetech’s social impact work.

Benetech Wins Outstanding Small Company of the Year Award for Innovative Contributions to Humanitarian Technology

We are thrilled to share that the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has recognized Benetech with the 2014 Region 6 Directors Special Award, Outstanding Small Company of the Year, for Innovative Contributions to Humanitarian Technology. Benetech won the award for its continued commitment to community improvement through literacy, environmental, and human rights initiatives.

Jim Fruchterman and Betsy Beaumon on the SOCAP14 Main Stage

How can a social enterprise engage effectively in founder succession planning, and what are some of the benefits that may occur when a founder is able to share the ownership, control, and culture of the business with a successor, or even a wider group of social leaders? This was one theme of a plenary session at this year’s annual Social Capital Markets Conference (SOCAP14) in San Francisco. Benetech CEO, Jim Fruchterman, and VP of the Benetech Global Literacy Program, Betsy Beaumon, joined moderator Penelope Douglas, SOCAP Board Chair, for a dynamic conversation titled “Make Yourself Invaluable, Not Irreplaceable.”

Advancing Math Accessibility with Google Summer of Code 2014

This summer, for the third consecutive year, we partnered with Google Summer of Code. We had the pleasure of working with computer science student Joe Maag, who helped create an iOS app that aids the transcription of (inaccessible) math images into readable and accessible math notations, to utilize Benetech’s MathML Cloud tool and advance math accessibility for all.

Meet Our 2014 Summer Interns—Part 2

We’ve just wrapped up a second successful year of Benetech’s Summer Internship Program. Today we’re pleased to introduce you to three excellent interns who worked with our Bookshare team: Priyanka Amin-Patel, Derek Slone, and Tara Singh. Their efforts went towards getting the word out about Bookshare and expanding the collection.